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Thailand fruit taste conquer the world, 10 high value fruit card

Author:本站 | Comefrom:本站原創 | AddTime:Oct-27-2017

Thailand is the famous "the fruit kingdom", with mangosteen, durian, mango and other fruit mass...... There are hundreds of other fruit varieties, such as loquat, guava and so on. The tropical climate in Thailand is very suitable for the growth of fruits. The unique geographical conditions make Thailand fruits very popular all over the world. At present, Thailand fruit exports ranked tenth in the world, tropical fruit exports ranked fourth, some tropical fruit export has been ranked first in the world, today to introduce some of Thailand's top 10 high value fruit ~ Yan offbeat   1 Annona fruit / Gautama Also known as Annona, authentic tropical precious fruit, because of its surface has a protrusion, like the Buddha Shakya Muni the hair on the head spin, so called sakyamuni. Inside it is white, sweet flesh, eaten directly, or made with coconut milk or candy or delicious ice cream. The skin is prominent, like a head, with white, sweet flesh, eaten directly, or with coconut milk to make candy or delicious ice cream.    2 guava Guava fruit is a tropical fruit tree, native to tropical America. It is one of the famous subtropical fruit varieties. The growth adaptability of guava is strong, and it is easy to cultivate without soil selection. As one of the most popular desserts, guava is rich in vitamin C, before maturity or not fully cooked, dipped in salt raw sugar, taste good.   3 loquat awn Thailand loquat awn is a newly emerged mango variety developed in recent years. Loquat awn looks like loquat, the taste is really mango delicate fragrance lubrication. Only loquat fruit's size, color is very similar, so named loquat awn. Loquat Mango Rich juice, flesh tender, sweet, very tasty. It's a delicate combination of crisp, crisp, sweet and tender flesh.    4 Thailand pomelo Thailand Thailand pomelo grapefruit originated in Thailand near Bangkok lowland area, exterior is a short form, and grapefruit grapefruit more than sweet, dipped in salt to eat it will taste better.   5 A A shape similar to small mango, edible when ripe. When eating, peel, remove the hard brown kernel, and then cut the red brown flesh. Usually eaten with other fruits, quite a cocktail.   6 jackfruit Jackfruit results in the trunk or limbs, also called the "pineapple jackfruit tree", "". Jackfruit has more than 30 varieties, divided into two categories: hard meat and soft meat. Every spring flowering, fruit ripening between summer and autumn, when ripe aroma. The local young people before the date will be as few chewing gum, can change the oral odor; in addition to the role of health and prolonging life.   7 Thai orange Thailand citrus is popular with the masses because of its thin skin, sweet, juicy and seedless. It has always been the best fruit in the palace since ancient times. It has a unique flavor and is superior to other citrus varieties. Thai orange is rich in vitamin C, more sweet than Western Orange varieties.   8 rambutan Thai rambutan has known as "king of fruit". It is tropical fruit, sexual temperature, flesh delicate, juicy, sweet and sour taste, rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C, unique appearance, taste close to litchi, so also known as Mao litchi. The shell is thick rambutan litchi with nails, peeling will hurt the fingers, but also unsanitary, the correct way is to use two hands on hold, as it will loosen to open the cap like.   9 papaya There are two varieties of papaya, one flesh is red, and the other is orange. Unripe papaya is one of the most popular Thai salads -- ingredients of Som Tam. Ripe papaya can be eaten raw with sour orange juice. Thai people love in papaya is not fully mature, green acid, used for cooking, Thai papaya salad is very famous dish, spicy and sour, put shrimp, crab is placed, must not miss!   10 apples Apples are now considered a good fruit, Thailand apples best quality fruit, with a special aroma, crisp and delicious, elegant appearance, is a treatable disease good fruit. The Thailand people have to "eat the wax apple Qingfei fire said". The habit of using it to cook crystal sugar for dry cough without phlegm or phlegm is difficult to extract. The fruit is bell shaped, pericarp or green or pink, shiny, eaten raw or put in salad.    Thailand is a traditional agricultural country, most of the population is engaged in agriculture, so agricultural products are important export products of Thailand. Fruit is one of the main agricultural products in Thailand, and the annual export revenue of fruits in Thailand is more than one billion US dollars. There are many kinds of fruits in Thailand, which are welcomed by consumers both at home and abroad. Thailand fruit export partners include China, Japan, the United States and the European Union countries. At present, the government of Thailand has introduced more policies to encourage fruit exports in order to improve the market share of Thailand fruits in China, in order to give Chinese consumers the opportunity to taste fruits of various types in Thailand. Before Thailand fruit exports to the Chinese market, the first to go through Hongkong, and then only to Guangzhou market, and transportation time is long, freight is also high, is not conducive to fruit preservation. According to the Greater Mekong sub Regional Economic Cooperation (GMS) in the construction of traffic foundation, at present, Thailand can choose road transport way, and there are more routes to choose from, such as R3A, R3B Road, R9 road highway, R12 highway, the route for fruit export to China market to shorten the time and reduce the cost, and the fruit will be more fresh, Thailand fruit exports to Chinese market will have a greater role in promoting. Source: Thailand / Feng Xiaofeng today
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