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More than 10 litchi varieties from Zhangzhou are exported all over the world

Author:佚名 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jul-05-2017

"Flight roar chowhound laugh, everyone knows, this is a litchi" litchi just blushed, fresh lychee 17 number value of $180 thousand by the Zhangzhou inspection and quarantine inspection, will fly to Japan, Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the world share this sweet "chowhound".
Zhangzhou litchi is the production and export of concentrated area in China, currently has more than 20 thousand acres of litchi export record base, export, Heiye Lanzhu and other more than 10 varieties, the market covers Japan, the United States, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions in four continents and more than 20.
The litchi with seasonal strong, relatively difficult, and different countries and quarantine processing requirements and other characteristics, to ensure the safety and quality of fresh litchi and improve the speed of customs clearance, Zhangzhou inspection and Quarantine Bureau Duocuobingju service export enterprises: one is the sooner, in advance of orchard pest in-depth investigation, and make a survey in pesticide residues before export, and give full play to administrative licensing matters delegated the convenient and efficient, complete the filing of outbound orchard within a week; two is to play to the advantages of technology, provide the limited requirements of the relevant technical barriers to the import country and pesticide information for enterprises and the public, and the inspection and supervision of business process, guide enterprises to scientific pest control and processing, packaging, transportation, for litchi steam heat treatment, the United States Lichee cold processing and other key process quality control measures to ensure the supervision and guidance, to ensure that products meet the The requirements of foreign laws and regulations; the three is to strengthen the customs clearance services, give full play to the ECIQ backbone system based on a risk assessment of the fast and efficient advantages, the implementation of paperless inspection, inspection and quarantine for 24 hours to accept corporate telephone booking service, shorten the time of inspection and quarantine work, to ensure the smooth export of fresh litchi.
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