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How to prevent eating durian pox? Analysis of various fruit diseases"

Author:佚名 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jul-03-2017

Litchi disease can be coma and fatigue
Drink a bowl of syrup to slow down
Nowadays it is a large number of listed litchi season, since there is "a lychee three fire", although the litchi has many benefits, but it should be noted that the fresh litchi itself with high sugar content, not suitable for children to eat, not only prone to obesity, and if continuous eating lots of litchi, especially fasting food, easily lead to sudden hypoglycemia, dizziness, sweating, pallor, fatigue, palpitation, thirst, hunger and other symptoms, severe convulsions or coma, this is the disease of litchi.
The First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University, former director of the nutrition department Wang Yumei said, if these symptoms occur, should promptly stop eating litchi, drink some sugar to rest for a moment can be alleviated, if the symptoms are severe, it is recommended to the hospital for treatment.
Healthy eating: a lot of people do not know from where the fire can be heard lychee dipping sauce. In fact, it doesn't make much difference, and it also increases salt intake because of eating soy sauce. The best way is to eat less, each time not more than 2, two.
Peach disease can cause bloating and abdominal pain
Make sure you control the amount in your meal
Folk has been "peach raising people" argument, many people will let go of eating, and even some people eat the peaches as food. But we need to remind you that although peaches are kept alive, they can not eat too much at once. They are prone to suffer from "peach disease"".
Peaches contain a large number of dietary fiber, especially hard peaches, eating too much may cause digestive system dysfunction, leading to abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other symptoms of discomfort, may consider a little cooked to eat. Peach sugar higher, eating too much will lead to intestinal mucosal dehydration, and thus easily lead to constipation, indigestion, and allergic to peach hair and the elderly and children are not suitable for eating more peaches, a day do not exceed two. Wang Yumei reminds, before eating, can rub the peach skin with salt first, rinse with water again, remove peach hair.
Healthy eating: different kinds of peaches according to different methods of eating, fur can eat meat at the opening of peach hard peach, can mix to the salad, taste is also more convenient, has better control. The Yellow Peaches that can't be eaten can be made into tins of yellow peaches.
Plums can sour the spleen and stomach
A throat soup stew ripe plum
Dependents peach, apricot wounding, plum buried the dead, have this argument, plums, sweet and sour taste is very popular in the summer, there will be people who eat a lot of plums, so down stomach is easy to accept, even before the start eating uncomfortable, so eat more fruit acid no good, but harmful to the stomach.
Zuo Xiaoxia, director of Nutrition Department of PLA 309 Hospital, believes that ripe plums have the effect of promoting digestion and increasing appetite. But the plum fruit acid content is high, eating more will damage the spleen and stomach, it will cause bloating and other phenomena, especially children should not eat more.
Also, this season of Red Bayberry and other special sour fruit also have the same problems, when eating, the same amount of attention should be paid.
Healthy eating: Generally speaking, the darker the color, the softer the plums are, the more you can eat. In order to reduce the acidity, can add rock sugar stew made of sweet and sour soup, there are some Arizona runhou.

Mango disease, mouth itch
Cut it in three portions and eat it
Mango eat more will be "Mango dermatitis" sneak attack, resulting in lips, facial redness, skin itching. This is because mango contains acid, amino acids and more stimulating. Zuo Xiaoxia said, gastrointestinal function is not good for the elderly and children, not suitable for eating cold fruit, if really want to eat, can be in after lunch, before dinner, eat a little, not excessive.
Children eat indigestion, bloating, temporary relief is hot compress. In addition, the high sugar of mango, easy to cause blood sugar rise, people with diabetes unfit for food.
What's more, mangoes can easily become "little yellow people" after eating too much. This is the rich beta carotene in mangoes. However, as long as the cessation of consumption, the skin will be restored.
Healthy eating: if you want to give children to eat mango, pay attention to the amount, it is best to cut into small mango, eating directly in the entrance to avoid stained lips skin. Mango can also be beaten into mango juice, and then dilute with warm water.
Durian disease, face acne
Eat together with mangosteen
Durian is known as the most "Stinky" fruits in the world, also known as the "king of fruits" as to how deep the love of the best, although durian is nourishing fruit king, but is not suitable for everyone, especially the people cannot eat more yin deficiency constitution.
The fat content in durian is 4.1%, the highest content of all fruits, and durian heat, if you eat too much easy to cause the acne on the face increased, and there will be a feeling of mouth parched and tongue scorched. Sometimes, it can cause nosebleeds,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University Department of nutrition nutritionist Xu Linlin added, in addition to avoid eating durian from eating outside, there is a way you can eat with mangosteen, this is because the mangosteen cold can heat Baihuo "".
Healthy eating: summer eat durian, can be placed in the refrigerator cold, eat the first time to thaw, the soft point can eat, sweet and soft, but also did not like Mein mein ice, then "smelly".
Mulberry disease easy to diarrhea
Fried point of mulberry tea
Wash the mulberry, into his mouth, put a stalk pulling, do not need to vomit nuclear, can feel full of mulberry meat.
According to Xu Linlin introduction, in mulberry, dietary fiber is very high, there is Runchang effect, the amount of food is beneficial to intestinal health. But for the bad digestion or easy to diarrhea in people eat mulberry must be limited. Even normal people should not eat, because the mulberry polyphenols can inhibit the activity of digestive enzymes in the body, so eat too much time may hinder the absorption of other food digestion of human body.
Must select the dark to buy mulberry, a higher anthocyanin content. But it is very delicate, when cleaning with fruit handle, and try not to rub.

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