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Fruit "dyeing", watermelon "injection"? Academicians used experiments to tell you the truth

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:Xinhua News Agency | AddTime:Jul-01-2017

Fruits and vegetables in the water "fade" is for dyeing color? Watermelon is too sweet because of the needle? Splicing by "adhesive steak mince"? Title "Thriller" article, often in the WeChat circle of friends crazy spread, the truth in the end?
29, publicity Week exhibition area in the 2017 national food safety, food safety, chief scientist China China Academy of Engineering Chen Junshi hands-on science experiment, help the public to keep their eyes open, jointly prevent and combat food rumors.
Chen Junshi academicians and his team on-site experiments with vegetables, fruits and so on. End with red bayberry juice, cherry juice and soaked black peanut and purple Blackwater cup, Chen Junshi cup to add edible alkali. The reporter saw, the original dark red water soon turned into black. Chen Junshi added white vinegar to the cup, and soon the color of the water changed back to red.
"Through this experiment, what I want to tell the public is that the so-called" fading of fruit "actually leaves the plant with a natural pigment 'anthocyanin', which meets a series of color reactions after alkali and acid. Anthocyanins not only give a variety of fruits and vegetables special colors, but also are good for human health." Chen Junshi explained.
Then, the letter of food and nutrition information exchange center, deputy director of science from the media Master Zhong Kai and researcher Ruan Guangfeng as the audience demonstrated the "watermelon injections" "crab" fat emulsion injection "" small experiment, vividly reveals the water and other foreign objects to enter inside the watermelon and crab, and watermelon is water soon go bad, but also to live crab injections for an hour.
In early 2008, online rumors "orange maggots", caused huge losses of hundreds of millions of dollars to Sichuan, Hubei and other places of farmers. Since 2016, the "Cherry nucleolus cyanide" and "glue splicing mince variable toxic" prawn Steak "in worms and other rumors, it is with a short video, netizens crazy turn, make fresh enterprises, farmers and the interests of farmers suffered heavy losses.
According to a Tmall, Taobao business survey, by the rumors hurt by Tmall nearly 30% businesses have focused on fresh food, beauty of maternal and infant industries, up to 64% of the businesses have suffered rumours, and rumors of its brand or store caused economic losses, from a few hundred dollars to thousands of yuan range.
In Tmall's fresh operations director Liu Xuezhen seems, some rumors of fresh fruit look like true, but the fact that the clip or graft, or the individual issues interpreted as a universal problem. "Many rumors, even if proved to be wrong, consumers would rather believe it.". A rumor, through the network of social platform interpretation, in rapid expansion of geometric progression, injury is the whole fresh raw industry."
"The rumors in the field of food safety have brought serious psychological trauma to our consumers," Chen Junshi said. "We do have food safety problems, but we don't feel as much as we feel.". It is difficult to quantify the psychological damage of rumors to the public, but far more than the industry's economic losses, affecting the public's confidence in the government and industry."
Why do rumors always come before the public in the right scientific knowledge? China Agricultural University professor Luo Yunbo believes that the sensitive topic of food safety degree is high, and the rumormongers usually stand on the "people of the moral high ground", and the general lack of knowledge of food science, so it is easy to be deceived. In fact, most of the food enterprises in China have conscience, and the real rumor mongers are individuals or teams aiming for profit or other purposes." Luo Yunbo says.
For how to dispel rumors on the public, businesses and social impact, Luo Yunbo said, "food rumors broke out" is China's current stage of social development, this is the process of social cohabitation. The relevant departments should increase the punishment to rumormongers, good top-level design, for the "cotton dried meat floss rumor mongers criminal detention is a manifestation of the progress of the public; to improve their scientific literacy, especially on food safety knowledge; the responsibility of food safety scientists will have to assume the" popularization of science ", learning propagation of rumors, enhancing the pertinence of science communication.
According to reports, this year during the food safety week, the State Food and Drug Administration will also be on-line authoritative scientific popularization network platform, with timely and accurate food safety information blocking rumors.
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