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Whether the fruit is pesticide or not, the cell phone will follow the photograph

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-27-2017

According to foreign media reports, a technology that allows us to use our smartphones for CSI spectrum analysis of daily necessities will meet with us at the end of 2017. This week, the German Fraunhofer Institute Institute released a HawkSpex Mobile application that allows us to perform spectrum analysis using smartphones on the premise that no parts are needed.
Traditional spectrum analysis a camera uses a prism and a specialized sensor to read a target's reflection of light at different wavelengths. Because the reflected light is different, different elements show different results in the imaging results, and this analysis can be used to analyze the actual operations such as whether apples have been sprayed with pesticides or not.
Since there is no prism we use ordinary intelligent mobile phone, mobile phone accessories or so you want to through the intelligent realization of mobile spectrum analysis of this operation, either very expensive or difficult to achieve technology. But with a new idea of the research team, and not through the prism of different wavelength detection, but through the intelligent mobile phone screen to launch a specific wavelength, and through the camera to read the wave is reflected.
If there is only red light, the camera can only reflect red light, so that the object reflected by the camera can be composed of what objects. When the smartphone screen repeats itself through different wavelengths, the smartphone can analyze the target without the prism.
At present, this HawkSpex Mobile application is still in the experimental stage, but Fraunhofer said that through the development of different technology based applications, by the end of this year, you can launch an ordinary consumer version. And this application can draw conclusions by referring to different scanning results and combining specific goals. For example, apples that have been scanned have been sprayed with pesticides, and the screen shows what apples are not sprayed and compared.
Although this application can implement different functions in different scenarios, a specific reference is required for different types of targets. Therefore, the user should determine the specific target name when using the HawkSpex Mobile scan.
The company said that this technology will appear in many different types of applications, and the future will build a platform, users can identify and refer to all targets on the platform, but for two different types of goods, is still unable to achieve contrast across species. For example, when a car has been scanned before an accident occurs, the user can scan a part of the paint to see if it matches another part without using App to compare the two different targets.
Fraunhofer said, this application not only can detect the user specific target at the same time, the future can be large-scale commercial agriculture, such as helping companies if crops need to detect and control the quality of fertilizer.
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